Did you enjoy working with the Red Box Team on your tender or services project? We would like to offer our support services for Catering, Cleaning and FM to any of your contacts and would appreciate your endorsement or recommendation.
Read moreWe will soon be launching a newsletter available to those on our mailing list.
Read moreHave you thought about the enhanced cleaning required in your workspace? Now office environments are becoming repopulated, it is important that your cleaning team pick up these key areas when periodically cleaning.
Read moreReminder and directional signs on your site are useful and practical when reopening over the coming weeks. Red Box have found some useful resources available free to download and print.
Read moreCOVID-19 has changed everyone's view of what is important. It has renewed the importance of supporting local businesses, communities and everyday heroes. It has also reinforced the importance of trust and perhaps most importantly, it has particularly affected young people. As schools begin to fully reopen, the risks are being looked at through a magnifying glass.
Read moreThe return to school in September 2020 will be like no other we have known. We know that services will need to be looked at for both flexibility and cost as uncertainty, difference in requirements and delivery are all considerations for school decision makers going forward.
Read moreFor many businesses, enhanced cleaning will be about preventing the spread of Covid-19, but also enhancing customer's sense of security. Have you completed a full audit of your site and do you know which areas will require enhanced cleaning?
Read moreBulk food production and delivery, including packed lunches, food parcels and hampers, have become a new normal in our food operations.
Read moreLooking for advice on how to apply the government and industry guidelines to your operations? We can support with; Onsite risk assessments, Covid-19 policy writing, Training, Service audits, Reopening checks
Read moreRed Box Consultancy Services would like to offer our support at this time and have compiled a free guidance document to ensure you cover all premise and staff health and safety considerations when reopening your site. The document is designed to support our reopening service packages which will include comprehensive onsite risk assessments, policy writing, training, service audits and reopening checks around all areas of safety. We appreciate that you may simply be looking for an independent audit of your own policies in practice as followed by staff and contractors on your premises. Whatever your requirements, Red Box will look to support with a bespoke solution.
Read moreUseful Links to Further Information