TUCO the University Caterers Association, recently reported that branded food and drink outlets are being brought onto Campus from the high street.

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The Waste and Resources Action Programme have produced a new guidance toolkit to encourage good practice.

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Employer Focus: Wellness Matters

Oct 01, 2019 editor

A lot of time and effort goes into ensuring customer wellness is made a priority, but we should also focus on employee health, too. Employers are now expected to focus on their employee's health and wellbeing. Our clients demand this of themselves and contractors invited into their workplace.

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War on Sugar Still Raging

Sep 24, 2019 editor

Efforts to cut sugar from our food are reportedly off target.

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Personnel Update

Aug 06, 2019 editor

Lauren Baxter has joined the Red Box Team as our new Consultant.

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Red Box Consultancy Services help your workplace determine which key points to consider and assist in evaluation of prospective catering partners.

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Clients often tell us that the contract monitoring service we provide, saves them a lot of time and effort in ensuring standards remain in place during the life of the contract, meal numbers are maintained, and the catering continues to develop.  Really it keeps the contractor on their toes!

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As September rolls in, and welcomes with it another school year, we here at Red Box can’t help but think about all our clients within the education industry. Having worked with many schools, academies and universities to produce diverse and sustainable catering solutions, the recent discussions about food waste at schools has got us thinking. 

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