According to a recent survey by cheese spread brand The Laughing Cow, British men and women are drastically underestimating the number of calories they consume each day.
Read moreThe UK Government have asked Public Health England (PHE) to tackle the problem of excess calorie consumption by children. A year after the launch of “the world’s leading childhood obesity plan”, PHE are now considering evidence and will set goals for a calorie-reduction programme, which will aim to remove excess calories from children’s most-consumed foods.
Read moreAs the number of children and teenagers being treated for Type 2 diabetes has risen 14%, the Local Government Association (LGA) has described the situation as a “hugely disturbing trend”.
Read moreAs consumers continue to be squeezed by rising inflation and lack of wage growth, attracting customers to a restaurant has become less about swanky interiors and quality staff, and more about enticing discounts, price-cuts, and freebies.
Read moreHealth experts claim the UK’s obesity crisis is being fuelled by businesses encouraging shoppers to choose larger portions and additional, unhealthy additions to their food. According to the Royal Society for Public Health, consumers are frequently falling victim to the marketing ploy known as ‘upselling’.
Read moreA YouGov survey from healthy eating alliance Eating Better found that 44% of UK residents have, or are willing to, cut down their consumption of meat. The report highlights more than 20 businesses already helping consumers shift to eating less but better-quality meat, and more plant-based dishes and products. The alliance is now calling on more companies to act on their findings and support the trend.
Read moreThe hastily scrapped Conservative election manifesto proposal to abolish free school lunches in favor of school breakfasts has raised debate over the benefits of each of these services.
Read moreYorkshireman and state school chef Steve Ashburn believes schools should put more of an emphasis on sourcing quality, seasonal ingredients from local producers. At Rosset school in Harrogate, this is exactly what he is doing.
Read moreNew research from the British Nutrition Foundation (BNF) has found that one in ten 14-16-year-olds believe tomatoes grow underground, and a quarter of primary school children believe that cheese comes from a plant.
Read moreKayte has left the business to pursue a new challenge and we wish her success in the future. Rest assured Red Box Consultancy Services Limited will continue to deliver the support you have come to expect in the time that we have worked together.
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