There are many eco-friendly cleaning products available in the UK for commercial users. Here are some of the top ones to look out for when procurement leans towards a sustainable approach for your Facilities services.

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A fantastic opportunity in the Bradford area, to work within a Red Box Education Client setting as Trust Director of Catering. Reporting to a dynamic leadership team and with the challenge of multi site impact. Anyone looking or know someone looking for their next role, please get in touch via the usual channels for an initial chat, or head through/forward the link for information needed to make an application.

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Using a Consultant for Facilities Management tendering can have many benefits, here are a few to consider....

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According to the latest data from the Department for Education, the total number of children in the UK receiving free school meals is approximately 2.38 million. However, this may vary depending on how many children actually take up their entitlement.

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The .GOV guidance below summarises your considerations. Red Box have provided further annotation to support you in determining if you are in a position to tender and how long the process will take.

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Staff Shortages Finally Easing?

Apr 18, 2023 editor

According to People Management Daily, 'Candidate availability has grown for the first time in 25 months alongside a marked increase in total vacancies, according to new data'. Could we finally be in a position where vacancies in hospitality and facilities are filled?

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A health and safety audit is a handy way of preventing accidents and incidents before they happen reducing the risk of potential cost to an persons health or financially to the business. They can also provide evidence of efforts to ensure health and safety compliance should any accidents happen and demonstrate your company’s commitment to safety when completed by a competent and regular auditor.

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'Why can't we have Yorkshire puddings on more than one day?!'. As of January 2015, all maintained schools, new academies, and free schools are required to follow the standards of the School Food Plan. It was launched by the Department of Education and in line with the requirements for School Food Regulations 2014. As part of our auditing on a termly or sometimes monthly basis, Red Box analyse the school menu and offer seen on the day of our visit to confirm the standards are being met. So what are the School Food Standards?

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2022 England School Meals Report

Mar 21, 2023 editor

Taken directly from the ParentPay, Cypad and LACA report as below. ''The aim of this research is to understand the parental view on the school meal service and offering available to their children. Building on the success of the 2021 survey, ParentPay, Cypad and LACA have again conducted one of the largest studies ever undertaken with parents on school meal provision in the UK. The survey attracted an overwhelmingly positive response of over 267,047 survey completions, providing an extremely robust overall sample size''.

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We have been asked more and more frequently about the requirement for vegan menus in school. Are schools expected to accommodate the ethical choices as they would religious diets? The Government School Food Plan provides a breakdown of the legal requirement to promote healthy eating.

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